I am one of those people that likes to plan. I rarely wake up in the morning and spontaneously decide to go do this or that. It's just not me. I would say, that I agree with the motto "Fail to plan and plan to fail." I don't think it applies to everything, but a lot of things in life it does. For as long as I can remember I knew I wanted to do great things (in the worldly sense) and I planned accordingly.
I was extremely immature in my spiritual life. I never really considered what God wanted from me. As I have grown spiritually, it is something I considered. Unfortunately, I never let it occur to me that this is not my life. God gave me this life and he can take it away at anytime. Over the last few years I feel I have grown in my spirituality more than ever.
Since college, I have wanted to be a lawyer, a CEO, a marketer, and so on, but didn't give serious thought to the question, "God, what do you want me to do with my life?" Currently, I am content with my job. I like it. I like what I do and the people I work with, even dealing with the patients! I feel like it is where I should be at this point in time.
But, I still have ambitions, only this time I have asked God to show me what he wants me to do. There are so many things I want to do. I really want to start a local mission group. A group of people that just go around to houses and help people with the things they need. Eventually, I want to be able to bring in other church groups and put them up with a place to stay. Another thing is to move up at my current job. Who really wants to be complacent with their job? I don't know many people that don't want to take on new things in their jobs. Other things include being a stay at home mom, an {awesome} cook (since you can't be much less than awesome in this family when it comes to cooking!!), an effective and efficient Women's Ministry leader, a godly wife and mother...the point is, I have ambitions. I don't want to be "simple" (which is how I view my life). I want to impact people's live for Christ and make a difference for the Gospel. But it's not easy. I can't do it alone. I have to manage my time and prioritize the things in my life, but most importantly, ask God.
Personally, I don't think all that can be done at one, unless it's God's plan; but so far I don't see that happening. But if it is something that God wants me to do, He will make it happen. I sure hope it is, I like a challenge, it makes life interesting! :)
Until next time!!
praying that God uses you in a mighty way! love you julie!!