So many of you know what happened to Ronnie, my father-in-law. Praise God that he is doing so much better these days and it is only by the grace of God. If you had asked me a month ago if he was going to make it I would have said no, and so would have plenty of other people. So seeing him now in the shape he is I can only think "Thank you God for allowing him to continue living!!" He really is an amazing man. He is in a nursing home right now doing so rehab and hopefully will be able to come home soon. Most people that are in their right mind and have to sit in a place with a bunch of people moaning and groaning would be bitter. Not Ronnie. Although he is not thrilled with his situation he knows God has a plan. He tells me regularly that he is here for a reason, for his roommate.From what his roommate tells me, Ronnie has been nothing but encouraging, loving and caring for him.They sit and talk about how awesome God is and how He blesses them. Ronnie is reminding this man that God has a plan for him and that God has shown him grace in many ways. He is sharing the Gospel with him.
To me that is beyond inspiring and encouraging. Seeing Ronnie in the shape and situation that he is in and seeing that Ronnie is still following the commands of God, makes me think. I am way better off right now. What am I doing? Ronnie is sharing the Gospel and love of God in his situation so why can't I? Why is it that Ronnie can go out of his way to be kind and loving to this man that he BARELY knew, but I am not?? Ronnie has such a heart for others. I hope that I can learn from him and continue to grow in my spiritual life and be half the Christ follower that he is. :)
That's all. :)
Good night and God Bless!!